No of Post:- 01
Essential Qualification:- Bachelor’s degree in Electrical Engineering.
Essential Experience:- Bachelor’s degree in Electrical Engineering with at least 10 years of relevant experience.
Desirable Qualifications:- (i) Proven track record of handling construction projects in reputed organization & experience of coordination with multy-disciplinary planning consultants, architects, and construction agencies.
(ii) Experience in handling maintenance of electrical power distribution system of 33 KV/ 11KV, 11/.415 KV Indoor type substation, along with Switch Gears, VCB’s ACB’ MCCB’s, protection mechanism relays co-ordinations, 33/11 KV transformer, 11/.415 type Indoor Transformers, busbars trunking systems, variable frequency drive systems & earthing systems.
(iii) Electrical power distribution designing/design checking is highly desirable.
Job requirements:- (1) Ensuring electrical safety license from competent authority for 33 KV level and/or similar requirements.
(2) Co-ordination with MPPKVVCL officials for un-interrupted power supply, correct tariff determination & regularisations in campus/es as applicable from time to time by MPPCL.
(3) Knowledge for national and international standards applicable for electrical panels, switch gears, transformers, cables etc.
(4) Must be conversant with IE rules as applicable for different aspects of operations of electrical systems up to 33KV.
Age: - up to 45 years from the last date of advertisement.